Friday, January 22, 2010

Candida Yeast How Long Does Fatigue Last From Candida Yeast Overgrowth?

How long does fatigue last from candida yeast overgrowth? - candida yeast

After sick for almost a year has finally learned that he had a spread of the fungus Candida. I was on a low sugar, caffeine, foods for about a month and have been taking probiotics, and garlic for about 2 weeks. My other symptoms seem to improve, but my fatigue is as bad as ever. I sleep for 12 hours a few days. When can I take the tiredness away?


Lynette I said...

It takes about 3-5 months for the rest of the bacteria and yeasts in the body, but most people feel better within 1 month in the use of antifungal prescription "Diflucan". Here is his recipe for the treatment of yeast: Start by avoiding sugar (with the exception of dark chocolate), which is a healthy diet in moderation. Note that sugar, yeast feeds. Take the healthy bacteria (probiotics) to combat yeast. Probiotic acidophilus Pearls Pearls recommend or twice a day for 3-5 months. At the same time to start mixing the herbal anti-fungal yeast "two times a day for 3-5 months. You can add 6-12 weeks for medication Diflucan (fluconazole get the generic form. The brand is $ 600 for 6 weeks. I hope I have helped some hun, good luck and Take care.

SkepDoc 3.0 said...

Those who "discovered"? My guess is, a doctor, healer, not a doctor, because "the proliferation of yeast Candida" is not a real disease. This is a pseudo-disease has been through a pseudo-medical diagnosis.

Fatigue is very common, and that the complaint is vague and can mean different things to different people. Should be investigated in any event for hypothyroidism, diabetes, anemia and depression, such as the 4 most common medical cause of "fatigue".

You should expect that the fatigue disappear once you have a real diagnosis and implementation of appropriate treatment.

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